The Mighty Menopause and Beyond

Online Workshop
The Mighty Menopause and Beyond
Online Class
with Kim Dowdell
Hosted by Madison King
Fee £98
The Workshop will be recorded with Lifetime access so you can watch anytime and anywhere in the World
“At her first period a girl meets her wisdom. Through her menstruating years she practices her wisdom and at menopause she becomes her wisdom” – Native American Saying
Menopause and beyond is a powerful often liberating time for a woman. Some women sail through perimenopause and menopause with little or no symptoms – while others are beset by hot flushes/flashes, insomnia, irritability, unexpected mood changes, loss of confidence, low libido, crippling anxiety and self-doubt, new aches and pains, weight gain and tiredness.
In the Mighty Menopause and Beyond we will be exploring how we can move into and through menopause with graceful ease and emerge ready to live our wisdom.
Whatever stage you are in the menopausal journey – whether it is yet to come, you are slap bang in the middle of it or it is almost a distant memory, this class is for YOU!
In the class:
- Learn simple, effective and quick techniques to balance our hormones and energy levels daily
- Learn how the 5 elements and the radiant circuits influence our menopausal journey
- Explore how menopause is one of the gates of life in Oriental Medicine
- We will examine autonomic dysregulation and the menopause
- I will share with you how the Heart/Kidney axis can be the root of many menopausal symptoms
- The chakra system and our hormonal health
- The menopause vibrational cabinet – crystals, flower remedies, essential oils and plants that support us through and beyond our menopause journey
- We will practice an energy protocol for managing menopause and beyond
- I will share with you the TOP acupressure points for managing many menopausal symptoms
- We will explore energy practices for menopausal insomnia, hot flushes, mood swings, water retention, irritability, weight control and more!
Menopause is a powerful transition into the wisdom of womanhood – I hope you can join me and explore the “Passage into Your Power”
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Joining link zoom codes are sent out 48 hours before a live zoom class and within 24 hours of a booking for a recorded/ on demand class.