THE VAGUS NERVE WORKSHOP ONLINE – The Missing link to Health, Connection and Intuition?

  • Lifetime access to 3 x3 hour classes – recordings of live zoom classes
  • 50 page e -manual
  • Lifetime access to recording of live post class Q&A
  • Fee £120

The Vagus Nerve is at the frontier of a whole new understanding and way of working with our Body and Energy Systems

Often termed the Wanderer, The Vagus Nerve is the longest cranial nerve in the body. It connects our Brain to our body and can be the missing link behind depression, anxiety, stress, weight gain, chronic fatigue, breathing disorders like asthma, heartburn, I.B.S. and digestive problems, memory, TMJ, chronic inflammation, fainting, mood disorders, B12 deficiency and seizures.

Remarkable research over the past 2 decades has revealed how important The Vagus Nerve is to the nervous system and the fight/flight, rest and repair and the freeze response.

It also has been termed the nerve of compassion and connection – stimulating telepathy, empathy, intuition and supports higher states of consciousness.

These new insights are also heralding the beginning of an exciting new field of treatment for Autism and Trauma recovery.

As a bridge between the Energetic and the Physical we will explore the multiple connections the Vagus Nerve makes within our body and energy systems and work with Energetic exercises and techniques, Acupressure points and sequences to increase our Vagal Tone:

  • The Vagus Nerve and the breath – the fast track to Vagal tone
  • The Vagus Nerve, the Spleen Meridian and the Immune system
  • Acupupressure points that positvely impact Vagus Nerve functioning
  • The importance of the Aura and the Vagus Nerve
  • Language, social connection and the Vagus nerve
  • Polyvagal theory and its’s revolutionary impact on our understanding of stress, a and the flight, fright and freeze response
  • The Vagus Nerve, the Gut-Brain axis and Mental Health
  • A therapeutic protocol you can use for yourself and share with others to bring the Vagus Nerve “network” into positive energetic health
  • Mindfulness and the Vagus Nerve


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Joining link zoom codes are sent out 48 hours before a live zoom class and within 24 hours of a booking for a recorded/ on demand class.



  • Lifetime access to 3 x3 hour classes – recordings of live zoom classes
  • 35 page e -manual
  • Fee £120

Advanced Techniques and Protocols for the Vagus Nerve

  • Lifetime access to 3 x3 hour classes – recordings of live zoom classes
  • 35 page e -manual
  • Fee £120

3 Zoom classes

In this advanced training we are building on the knowledge and techniques from the Vagus Nerve workshop. We will explore some more understandings of the Vagus Nerve, together with practical techniques, exercises and protocols as we deepen our relationship to the Vagus nerve and explore different ways to work with Vagal Tone for ourselves and others.

This is such an exciting time in the development of Vagus Nerve theory and therapeutic practice. I hope you can join me!

Topics will include – but not limited to:

  • Networking the Vagus nerve with energy points on body and feet
  • The implication of Infection of the Vagus nerve
  • The role of the Trapezius Muscle, the Kidney meridian and the Vagus Nerve
  • Deepening understanding of the Spleen/Vagus Nerve relationship
  • The Alta Major Chakra, the Heart and the Vagus Nerve protocol– a spiritual alignment of the Vagus Nerve
  • Sound and the Vagus Nerve
  • Polyvagal Theory and the Vagus Nerve – further exploration and practical techniques
  • Practical protocol for the Chakras and the Vagus Nerve


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Joining link zoom codes are sent out 48 hours before a live zoom class and within 24 hours of a booking for a recorded/ on demand class.



The workshop consists of Lifetime Access to 3×3 hour classes – recordings of Live Zoom classes.

Comprehensive e-manual.

Lifetime access to a recording of a Live Post Class Q&A.

Topics we will look at will include but not limited to:

  • Shock and Trauma and its impact on the Nervous System and the Vagus Nerve
  • The Kidney and Heart Protector meridians as “holders” of shock in the body
  • How shock and trauma in Chinese medicine is seen to impact the Zhi and Shen
  • Original shock as a detriment of our primary energetic element
  • The Chong Mai or Penetrating vessel and early shock and Trauma
  • Birth as our first “shock”
  • We will look at the work of Stephen Porges, Peter Levine, Bassel Van Volk and how their literature and research has progressed our understanding of shock, trauma and the Vagus Nerve

Big life events and the small shocks and upsets of daily life often lie at the root of self-sabotage, lack of self-love and self-care, personal happiness and contentment and with that the will and ability to lead our most joyous life and embrace our life purpose.

We will work with exercises, techniques and 2 energetic treatments that help the body, psyche and energy systems deal with shock and trauma. The therapeutic protocols we will work with draw on the acupressure points and wisdom of Oriental Medicine woven into our understandings and work with the Vagus Nerve to help with shock and traumatic distress in the body and energy systems.

The fee is £120 for all three classes. Workshop manual and lifetime access to the class recordings.


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Joining link zoom codes are sent out 48 hours before a live zoom class and within 24 hours of a booking for a recorded/ on demand class.


The Vagus nerve and the Habit Field

In the Vagus Nerve and the Habit field workshop we are going to work deeply with the energies of change – and explore how the Vagus Nerve can provide the vital, often missing, key to manifesting positive change.

When you look at your life does it sometimes seem like you are stuck in Repeat Mode – do you recognise that in your clients?

Do you or your clients yearn for change – yet struggle to create or maintain it.

Research shows that we have the same thoughts 80% of the time – day after day – we are literally in almost constant Repeat mode!

We will be Working with the Vagus Nerve, acupressure points and protocols along with emotional re-patterning to make the change into Creating rather than Repeating.


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Joining link zoom codes are sent out 48 hours before a live zoom class and within 24 hours of a booking for a recorded/ on demand class.


Traditional Medicine and the Vagus Nerve

The Workshop will be recorded with Lifetime access so you can watch anytime and anywhere in the World!

There has been a wonderful explosion of interest and research into the Vagus Nerve in recent years, largely in response to the groundbreaking work of Stephen Porges and his Polyvagal theory, marking a real revolution in the understanding of this energy superhighway.

I love working with the Vagus nerve and I am thrilled to see this “new” interest in the great energetic wanderer of our body system. However, traditional medicine has been working with this “hidden healer” for thousands of years. Modern science may have given the Vagus Nerve its name but the traditional healing practices in many cultures throughout the world have long worked with the energy of the Vagus Nerve.

I have developed the Vagus Nerve Method and over recent years taught 4 separate classes on the Vagus Nerve:

The Vagus Nerve

Advanced Vagus Nerve

Shock, Trauma and the Vagus Nerve

The Vagus Nerve and the Habit Field

I am delighted now to be sharing my NEW workshopThe Vagus Nerve and what Traditional Medicine has always known.

In this new workshop we will be alchemically weaving together contemporary understandings of the Vagus Nerve with time honoured exercises, techniques and energy points from traditional healing systems.

We will be exploring the Vagus Nerve, structurally, energetically, vibrationally, emotionally and spiritually. I will be sharing wisdoms and balancing practices for all the levels of the Vagus Nerve.

Some of the topics we will cover include:

The 2 great “wanderers” of the body system – The Vagus Nerve and Triple Warmer Meridian

  • Traditional healing practices have always known that there is an internal healing space we need to enter in order to move into wellness – learn the part the Vagus Nerve plays in creating our space to heal
  • The Chakras, the nervous system and the Vagus Nerve – their deep connection
  • The “Divine Template”,Soul patterning, the Vagus Nerve and Governing 16 how they all link together in energetic practice
  • The Vagus nerve, and the Sinew channels in Oriental medicine – are one of the keys to the wellbeing of the whole musculoskeletal system.
  • The vibrational medicine cabinet for the Vagus Nerve – including plant medicine, sound, and crystals

When our Vagus nerve is healthy and vibrant so are we!

I am really excited to be teaching this new Vagus Nerve class. I do hope you can join me.


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Joining link zoom codes are sent out 48 hours before a live zoom class and within 24 hours of a booking for a recorded/ on demand class.

Some comments from Kim’s latest On-Line Classes

“You were fantastic in our last class! Thank you for these classes.” EB

“Thank you for the amazing workshops you are running. I am loving them and learning SO much.” GW

“Thank you so much for a really interesting webinar. You are a font of knowledge and teach with such ease. You make learning fun and interesting.” MY

ABOUT KIM – Kim is the founder of The Vagus Nerve Method and is a teacher of Energetics – she is a qualified acupuncturist and cosmetic acupuncturist. Kim also has wide experience in the Wellness field for over 25 years including Crystal Therapy, Colour Therapy, Energy Medicine, Reflexology and Shamanic Soul Retrieval and has worked with thousands of people in private practice, teaching and organising events. Kim established Vision for Living in 1995 and is the founder and director of the Cardiff Festival of Wellbeing.