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“For many centuries Oriental Medicine has worked with microsystems in the body. In OM our head is our connection to Heaven/Heavenly Yang and embodies the Shen or Spirit within us”…
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“If I had to limit my advice on healthier living to just one tip, it would be simply to learn how to breathe better”…
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It is estimated that nearly 60% of all adults in the United States live with a chronic health condition and in the UK the figure is one in 4…
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I invite you to join me as we take a deep dive into the beauty and mystery of the chakra energy system –the wisdom keeper of our soul journey…
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The energy of 2024 is transformative, deep and intense. The opportunity for this year is to align with both our individual and collective good as the old and outworn is swept away and we welcome in a new way…
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Chinese face reading – Mian Xiang has been practiced for over 3,000 years. Facial diagnosis reveals our emotions, personality, organ health, past traumas, future challenges and personal strengths…
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The  Qi Jing Ba Mai – the extraordinary meridians, radiant circuits, strange flows, psychic conduits, marvellous ones run deep within us, creating our “energetic skeleton”…
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In the Three Treasures workshop we will work with core techniques, acupoints and protocols to nurture, honour and enliven our individual core treasures of Jing, Qi and Shen.

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Traditional Medicine & the Vagus Nerve

In this new workshop we will be alchemically weaving together contemporary understandings of the Vagus Nerve with time honoured exercises, techniques and energy points from traditional healing systems.  More Details and Booking


Your Beautiful Belly

Our abdomen is a storehouse of energy systems and powerful acupoints. We can treat the whole body through our “beautiful belly”…
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Spirit Wisdom of the Five Elements

Wu Xing – The Five Elements in Oriental Medicine is one of the most beautiful and elegant ways of understanding energy…
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Vagus Nerve

The Vagus Nerve is at the frontier of a whole new understanding and way of working with our Body and Energy Systems.
Course One
Course Two
Course Three
Course Four

Fit Face

In Fit Face we take a step back from what today’s youth-oriented society defines as beauty: the Botox, fillers, trout lips, lifts, skin peeling, airbrushing..
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Healing Power of 8

The frequency and symbolism of 8 – the lemniscate/symbol of infinity/Heaven and Earth connection is woven through many healing traditions and understandings. It resonates within the spiritual, mythical, mathematical….
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Manifestation Time

Full of new potential, spring is one of the most exciting times of the year. As we approach spring, now is the time for us to align with nature and the season of new life, time for us to manifest our visions and begin our journey into…
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Our Yang energy is at the core of our vitality, exuberance, originality, excitement and joyful courage. Without a healthy Yang energy, life loses its spark, we lack passion and that joie de vie that makes life…
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The Sleep Re-Set

The next class in the series is Sleep Re-Set. The seasonal time of the Water element, Winter is SLEEP time!
In Winter, nature enters its time of deep slumber and rest, when we follow nature and rest…
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Energy Re-set

The seasonal time of the Metal element is an ideal time for us to re-boot, re-align and re-calibrate our core energies. One of the most positive things we can do for our digestive, immune , physical, emotional and spiritual..
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Winter Warrior

Winter is our time for deep repose, rest and rejuvenation. It is also the seasonal time for the energy stream Pang Guang whose name translates as Wing of Light. Our Bladder meridian is our energetic…
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A Deep Dive into our Body Energy Systems

Do you want to go deeper? Do you want to have a new understanding of the amazing energetic tapestry that is within each of us? In Deep Dive we are going to go on a journey together..
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The Pain Class

If you are in pain right now, then you are not alone. At any one time, studies have soon that at least 20% of people around the World have pain that has lasted more than 3 months- That is a lot of people in pain for a long time!
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Sing your Heart Song! The Heart/Kidney Axis

We are in the energy of Fire and Summer when our Heart energy can shine at its brightest. Our Heart energy holds our love, excitement, passion, and desire. It is the home to our Shen, the spark..
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SPRING into SPRING – The HOW to Guide!

Now after the deep Yin of Winter, is the time for us to align with the Season of new life and begin our Yang journey of new creation. We are entering the season of birth, expansion and growth..
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The Autumn Energies

As we move into Autumn and the trees lose their leaves, the nights start to deepen and the Earth gets ready to move into its Yin cycle we can call on the Autumn energy of release to help us energetically detox in preparation..
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Step into Summer - The HOW to Guide!

After the rising Yang energy of Spring, in Summer we move into the height of Yang in Nature and within our own energy systems. Our energy is at its peak now.

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Inflammation is the often secret shadow behind many illnesses, especially chronic, long term patterns of ill health. Inflammation is involved in depression, chronic fatigue, diabetes..
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The Shénmì workshop

In energy work we have amazing treatments and protocols that can achieve profound results. However, does it seem that your work sometimes..
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Deep Restorative Winter Rest- The HOW to Guide!

As we move into Winter, the trees are bare, the nights long and deep and the Earth has moved into its deepest Yin cycle and the deep Winter rest and rejuvenation.
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Vibrational Acupressure Workshop

Traditional Energy Medicine has always worked alongside Nature. Plants, Crystals flowers, oils have held the hands of healers for thousands of years.
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MÌNGYÙN is Destiny – our Soul path. Every January, with the beginning of a new year, we are called to turn within to contact our deepest Yin energy..
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The Mysterious and Glorious Triple Warmer

The Triple Warmer is the most discussed and yet the most elusive and mysterious topic in Chinese Medicine. In the Mysterious and Glorious Triple
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Crystal Workshop - Stone Medicine

We are essentially crystalline in structure, which is why working with crystals and minerals is so powerful and natural for us. In the Online Stone Medicine Crystal…
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Access and Upgrade your Vitality!

In Oriental tradition inner harmony, vitality and longevity were considered the goal of life. In this class we will weave together techniques to honour..
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Oriental Wisdom - The Powerhouse Points and Protocols

In the Powerhouse Points and Protocols workshop we will draw on the wisdom from the Original Chinese Medicine texts..
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Nourished by Nature – The Earth Element

As we embrace Late Summer and the Earth element, we move into that special time when Yin and Yang sit in balance – that pivotal point as we start the journey..
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Ancient Wisdom for Emotional Health

Recent research has indicated that the events of the past 18 months have seen an almost 40% rise..
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Acupressure for Happy Kids

Gentle acupressure can help children of all ages, from infants to teenagers, with some of the conditions and symptoms that commonly show up for them..
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Covid 19 – an Energetic Exploration

n this workshop we will explore some of the energetic understandings around Covid 19 through the lens of Oriental Medicine.
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BUILDING RESILIENCE – How To Recalibrate Our Energies As We Unfold From Lock-Down

Our natural resilience is held in different parts of our energy systems and now is the time to call it forward..
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