Awesome Autumn

Online Workshop

Awesome Autumn

A “Power Hour” Online Class

with Kim Dowdell

Hosted by Madison King

October 13th 7.30pm-8.30pm London time

Fee £22

The Workshop will be recorded with Lifetime access so you can watch anytime and anywhere in the World

I am offering a series of “Power Hour” classes – all an hour (or an hour and a bit!) – short, punchy, energy based classes packed full of information on some of the key areas of life relevant to us all. We are kicked off the series with “Tired all the Time?” and now is the time for  “Awesome Autumn”.

 Autumn is the time of Metal Element and the energies of Lung and Large Intestine. It is a special time when nature starts to turn inward and the deep yin energies begin to rise. The Metal element lives in the basic processes of our body, our mineral structure –  essential for biochemistry and health, our skin, our immune system and our breath but also in our souls.


In this hour I will share with you:


  • The Top 10 energy techniques you need to know to thrive in the cough/cold/flu season of Autumn
  • The Top acupoints for a healthy respiratory system
  • The Top acupoints for a healthy elimination system
  • 2 Metal acu-points to help back and shoulder pain
  • An energy imbalance in this season can lead to depression, low mood, negativity, learn how and how to turn that around
  • Build your Wei Chi – your outer energetic shield


Metal is responsible for bringing a sense of quality and richness to our lives. It inspires us to live authentically and align with our higher purpose and true calling. It calls us to the sacred within us and nature. Metal’s quality is to strip away the outworn, the old, the worthless/unneeded to reveal the hidden gem, unique gifts and talents that are held deep within each of our depths – the hidden treasure of our true nature.

Join me as we go on our own personal “Autumn treasure hunt”!








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Joining link zoom codes are sent out 48 hours before a live zoom class and within 24 hours of a booking for a recorded/ on demand class.