Energy Alchemy

Online Workshop
Energy Alchemy
The Energies of Change in 2024
Online workshop with Kim Dowdell
Hosted by Madison King
February 25th and 28th 7.00pm – 9.00pm London time
Fee £98
The Workshop will be recorded with Lifetime access so you can watch anytime and anywhere in the World!
The energy of 2024 is transformative, deep and intense. The opportunity for this year is to align with both our individual and collective good as the old and outworn is swept away and we welcome in a new way.
I want to share in this class ways to work with crystals, oils, essences and energy practices so we remain positive, steady and centred as we navigate and embrace the inner and outer changes of this year.
We will look at:
- Pluto in Aquarius – A new vibration of deep clearing and change – sweeping away the old and heralding the alchemical new. What this means and how we can work with this transformative energy within our own energy systems. The potential is huge!
- Power crystals – a new look at copper, hematite, obsidian, calcite, herkimer diamonds and more..
- Essential oils and flower essences as vibrational helpers as we navigate change
- The alchemy of intention and the Hara line
- A beautiful energy protocol to connect to our core energies – so we feel centred and aligned
- Vibrational practices, crystals, oils and flower essences to holding our biofield strong
- During times of change, we can sometimes feel overwhelmed, exhausted or vulnerable we will practice a vibrational protocol to clear and protect our energy systems
- Energy techniques to raise our vibrational frequency and HeartField
The challenge and joy of this time is to consciously hold our centre and stability as we embrace the enriching changes the energies around us are bringing forward. The most beautiful way I know how to do this is work with our energy systems in partnership with the frequencies of Nature – crystals, oils, flowers and plants.
I hope you can join me on this alchemical journey!
The Live Zoom Online Energy Alchemy class is on February 25th & 28th, 7-9.30pm London time. It will be recorded and supported by comprehensive handouts. The fee is £98.
Click image to purchase
Joining link zoom codes are sent out 48 hours before a live zoom class and within 24 hours of a booking for a recorded/ on demand class.