Magnificent Ming Men

 Magnificent Ming Men

‘A Power Hour’

Online Class

with Kim Dowdell

Hosted by Madison King

February 19th, 7.30-8.30 pm London Time

Fee  £22

The Workshop will be supported by comprehensive handouts and recorded with Lifetime access so you can watch anytime and anywhere in the World

Mingmen – Gate of Destiny, Life Gate, Palace/Gate of Essence is another of my favourite acupoints. It’s name declares it’s power. Here is Heaven’s stamp that creates our unique way in life – opening the gateway at Ming Men unites us with our unique destiny in life.

Ming Men is one of the most powerful points in the whole body it goes to the very core of our existence. It is like a voltage switch and is essential for our daily vital qi. It is an amazing revitalization point for the entire energy system, acting as a whole mind/body/spirit treatment in one point.

In this information packed Power Hour class, you will connect with your Magnificent Ming Men and experience:


  • Your life path and your Gate of Destiny
  • Your Original Qi, Jing and Ming Men
  • The Radiant Circuits and the Ming Men connection
  • Triple Warmer and Ming Men
  • The importance of Ming Men for healthy digestion
  • Ming Men and your spine
  • Ming Men, life purpose and Bach Flower Essences
  • Ming Men and the Kidneys
  • How Ming Men lights up your “childhood” sparkle and joy in being alive
  • Fatigue, exhaustion and Ming Men
  • Ming Men as the site of Fire and Water
  • Courage, determination, strength and Ming Men
  • Chronic illness and Ming Men


It is good for backache, lumbar problems, stress, adrenal exhaustion, memory, dizziness, tinnitus, infertility, libido, depression, mental confusion, if someone is tired, chilled or fatigued and MORE!

You will learn how when you combine Ming Men  with other carefully chosen acupoints you can create a whole “treatment package” for yourself or someone else based around the Gate of Life – Your Palace of Destiny

I hope you can join me as we open our Gate of Life and walk through it to Destiny





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Joining link zoom codes are sent out 48 hours before a live zoom class and within 24 hours of a booking for a recorded/ on demand class.