The Spirit Wisdom of the Five Elements

Online Workshop
Each Element holds within itself the knowledge of those particular gifts of which it is the unique trustee, and to which no other element has the key Nora Franglen
On Demand/recorded class
A 3 part – 6 hour Class with Kim Dowdell
Hosted by Madison King
Fee is £110.
The class will be RECORDED, so you can watch anytime and anywhere in the World. It is supported by comprehensive notes.
Wu Xing – The Five Elements in Oriental Medicine is one of the most beautiful and elegant ways of understanding energy. I love working with the Five Elements, I have taught classes on them for over 20 years, in my acupuncture training they were my main area of focus and I am delighted to be offering this class on one of my favourite energy systems.
In the Spirit Wisdom of the 5 Elements class, we are going to dive deep into Five Element wisdom. You may have heard of the Five Elements described as a “personality” system or as a way to understand and get along with people and certainly we can look at them in that way. However, original understandings of the Five Elements and how they express themselves within us goes much deeper and in this 6 hour, 3 part class we will explore – the deep core of the Five Elements – how they manifest in Nature and each and every one of us. I want to share with you profound, beautiful and time honoured understandings of the Five Elements.
Our topics for the Spirit Wisdom of the Five Elements online class:
- How to REALLY know what your primary element is by working with traditional five element diagnosis and the “ultimate” 5 element questionnaire. Knowing “your element” is your path home – your homecoming
- How does your Primary element REALLY influence your life? Is it your elemental Guardian? your Constitutional Factor, your Shining North Star, your Achilles heel or perhaps it is all of them?
- We will de- mystify some 5 Element myths –when does an archetype become a cliché?
- Explore the deep soul imprint, virtues, life lessons, gifts and challenges of each of the elements
- The 5 Spirits of the Elements – Shen, Po, Zhi, Yi and Hun, support and direct every aspect of our lives – learn how to energetically align with them
- Learn a daily energy routine for the 5 Elements
- Experience a 5 Element Acupressure Protocol
- The 5 Elements are Nature in action – we will explore how Nature manifests in crystals, essential oils and flower remedies for each of the Elements.
One Element shines the most brightly within us, guiding us on our life path as we come home to our Original Nature, however, just as in Nature we embody all five elements. Working with energy techniques, acupressure points and Nature’s vibrational helpers we will bring forth our unique Five Element embodiment.
The class will be recorded so if you are not able to join live you can watch the replay whenever you want, however many times you want and wherever you are in the World.
As always, the wonderful Madison King will be hosting -The workshop will be On demand/recorded class . Fee is £110.
Click image to purchase
Joining link zoom codes are sent out 48 hours before a live zoom class and within 24 hours of a booking for a recorded/ on demand class.