Super Zusanli – Stomach 36

Super Zusanli – Stomach 36
“A Power Hour”
Online Class
with Kim Dowdell
Hosted by Madison King
Fee – £22
The Workshop will be supported by comprehensive notes and recorded with Lifetime access so you can watch anytime and anywhere in the World
Stomach 36 Zusanli “Leg Three Miles”
Oh, I love this acupoint! Zusanli – Stomach 36 is not only a fabulous point for the immune system and digestion, but is also one of the most nurturing, revitalising and stress relieving acupuncture points in the body.
It is quite honestly, “A Do Everything Point”
In this Power hour I will show you how you can work with Zusanli to:
- Boost your digestion
- Improve your Immune system
- Help with chemotherapy symptoms
- Balance blood pressure
- Help your breathing/asthma
- Resolve oedema
- Regulate defensive/protective qi
- Tonify your qi/energy
- Tonify your blood
- Calm your mind
- Help your eyesight
- Help knee/leg pain
- Help fatigue/exhaustion
- Treat constipation, indigestion, stomach pain
- Help with allergies
- Treat colds, flu ,colds, coughs
- Boost Covid recovery
- Activate your longevity and endurance, conserve your vitality and revitalise your energy
AND that is just some of the things this great acupoint can activate! .
You will learn how when you combine Stomach 36 with other carefully chosenacupoints you can create a whole “treatment package” for yourself or someone else based around this Heavenly Star point
Come and join me and activate your master energy tonic point – your Sea of Nourishment
Click image to purchase
Joining link zoom codes are sent out 48 hours before a live zoom class and within 24 hours of a booking for a recorded/ on demand class.