The Power of the Extraordinary Meridians

   Online Workshop

The Power of the Extraordinary Meridians –

The Marvellous or Radiant Ones

2 part online workshop with Kim Dowdell

Hosted by Madison King

Fee £98

The Workshop will be recorded with Lifetime access so you can watch anytime and anywhere in the World!

The  Qi Jing Ba Mai – the extraordinary meridians, radiant circuits, strange flows, psychic conduits, marvellous ones run deep within us, creating our “energetic skeleton”. Formed when we are still in our mother’s womb, they determine our mythical life journey, supporting the very root of who we are and how we live. These oceans of energy hold our consciousness – our mind stream from lifetime to lifetime.

 The Extraordinary Meridian workshop topics:

  • The Best Acupoints for the Extraordinary vessels
  • Learn how the “Marvellous Ones” direct our Life journey
  • Learn how they distribute and hold our Jing/Life Essence
  • Examine the Extraordinary vessels/radiant circuits as the keepers of our consciousness/mind stream
  • Explore how the Extraordinary meridians can offer an answer to chronic conditions, trauma and unexplained illnesses
  • Nei Dan – Inner development and the Radiant circuits/extraordinary meridians
  • The Extraordinary meridians as they represent the Big Themes in life
  • The Extraordinary meridians and the Three Ancestries
  • Essential oils, resonance and the Extraordinary meridians
  • How healthy ageing, life cycles, self-confidence, self-care, self-growth, independence, passion, our authentic self, life mission, generational healing, healthy body image, ability to survive and thrive all sit within these deep energy reservoirs
  • The 9 key energetic roles of the extraordinary meridians

In the Power of the Extraordinary Meridians workshop we will be working with inner alchemy, acupressure points, energy exercises and protocols to open up the light of  our “radiant channels”.





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Joining link zoom codes are sent out 48 hours before a live zoom class and within 24 hours of a booking for a recorded/ on demand class.