The Powerhouse Point Pericardium 6

The Powerhouse Point Pericardium 6
‘A Power Hour’
Online Class
with Kim Dowdell
Hosted by Madison King
Fee £22
The Workshop will be supported by comprehensive handouts and recorded with Lifetime access so you can watch anytime and anywhere in the World
This is another of my favourite acupoints – Nei guan – known as Pericardium 6, Circulation Sex 6, Heart Protector 6.
Let me introduce you to the wonders of Pericardium 6 – our Inner Frontier Gate.
Nei guan is one of the most important acupoints in the body. Some people are familiar with it as it is the point that is activated in travel sickness/nausea bands. BUT it is SO much more!
The Pericardium is like a cradle that holds our Heart. PC 6 is the inner guardian to the sanctum of our Heart. It has a huge physical and emotional influence on every aspect of our being.
In this Power hour:
- Learn how the “sleeping beauty” of the Bach Flower essences can awaken your PC 6
- Bring back joy with the “jester” of the meridian system
- Learn how PC 6 is so important for our Vagus Nerve
- The partner to Triple Warmer meridian, Pericardium “guards” our soul, whilst Triple Warmer “guards” our body. Discover Triple Warmer 5 and PC 6 as a dream team point combination
- If you don’t know what you want out of your life turn to PC 6 – it will guide you to your inner knowing and vision
- It has a close relationship with the Liver meridian and PC 6 can be one of the best points for Liver qi stagnation, which is often a root cause of illness and distress.
- Discover the Liver/PC infinity loop as a passport to peace
- It is the master point for Yin Wei Mai – extraordinary meridian/radiant circuit
- If you want to open your heart to love – this is the point you need
- It calms the stomach
- Helps irregular heartbeat, palpitations and angina
- Helps breathing
- Helps combat insomnia
- Can be worked with after a stroke to help speech and memory
- Helps ease difficulties with the menstrual cycle
- Calms emotions
- Helps alleviate sadness, anxiety and depression
Isn’t that such a fabulous acupoint! I hope you can join me for the Powerhouse Point Power hour
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Joining link zoom codes are sent out 48 hours before a live zoom class and within 24 hours of a booking for a recorded/ on demand class.