Winter Warrior

Online Workshop
with Kim Dowdell
Hosted by Madison King
The fee is £58
The Workshop will be recorded with Lifetime access so you can watch anytime and anywhere in the World!
Winter is our time for deep repose, rest and rejuvenation. It is also the seasonal time for the energy stream Pang Guang whose name translates as Wing of Light. Our Bladder meridian is our energetic wing of light – what a beautiful name for the Yang Water meridian flow that governs our reserves and resources of energy.
During the coming year I am offering An Energy Mastery Programme – a series of online courses covering some of the most important topics for our health and wellbeing.
The courses are full of practical, carefully chosen exercises and protocols to optimise your energetic and physical/emotional health.
The next class in the series is Winter Warrior. In Winter Warrior we will be exploring how we can build our energy storehouse, strengthen our wing of light and connect to the wisdom of our Water element.
In The Winter Warrior class, we will:
Explore the longest energy pathway in the body – The Bladder meridian and discover:
- How it affects our energy reserves – holding the physical, mental and spiritual resources we can draw on to maximise our strength and resilience
- How it is responsible for helping us release emotional imbalance and holds within its pathway one of the most powerful points for trauma
- Our wing of light helps us speak our truth, it keeps our thoughts and words flowing
- It’s key role for both physical and psychological health – our spine, brain, emotions, nervous system, urinary system, courage and more
- If you experience back/sciatic pain – work with your bladder meridian!
- All the major organs of the body can be worked with through points on the bladder meridian, our wing of light is a true energy powerhouse
In “Winter Warrior” we will also:
- Learn how we can “beat the winter bug” – the most important energetic practices we can work with to help us move through winter and the cold/flu season
- Our winter aura! Build its resistance and resilience working with energetic practices, crystals and essential oils
In the class we will be working with Oriental energy medicine, acupoints and protocols to build our Inner Winter Warrior! I do hope you can join me for some winter warmth in this Energy Mastery Class
Click image to purchase
Joining link zoom codes are sent out 48 hours before a live zoom class and within 24 hours of a booking for a recorded/ on demand class.