Yang Time!

Online Workshop
Yang Time
An Online Workshop
with Kim Dowdell
Hosted by Madison King
The Fee is £78.
The Workshop will be recorded with Lifetime access so you can watch anytime and anywhere in the World!
Our Yang energy is at the core of our vitality, exuberance, originality, excitement and joyful courage. Without a healthy Yang energy, life loses its spark, we lack passion and that joie de vie that makes life so special – our personal Sun can struggle to shine its inner beauty.
When our Yang is strong our intuition, consciousness and inspiration come alive!
Summer is the season of Supreme Yang and the Fire element. Now is the time for our Yang to shine through our Heartfield and to beam its radiance out into the World.
Our Governing Meridian is the root of our Yang energy – it holds Yang power and reserves. As a radiant circuit, it helps us stand tall, supports our life plan, keeps our spine healthy and propels us into our destiny.
Small Intestine meridian is the Yang partner to our Heart energy – the Lord and Emperor of our whole energy system. It also “governs sorting” – deciding what is good for us in all areas of life, healthy digestion, musculoskeletal health, protection from bugs and viruses, clear decision making all need a strong Yang Small Intestine energy!
In the Yang Time workshop, we will work with our Governing and Small Intestine meridians to build our Yang so we can join Nature at its warmest, brightest, most expansive as Summer invites us to have fun, socialise, to be outside and soak up the glorious Yang Sun.
In this Yang Time class, we will:
Work with our Governing meridian – the root of our Yang energy. I will share a special 3 point protocol for the Governing meridian to build your individuality, claim your place in the World, strengthen your spine and help you “climb the Yang ladder” to Heavenly inspiration.
The Small Intestine energy flow is the “hidden treasure” of the Fire element. Some consider the Small Intestine to be one of the most spiritual of the meridian flows. It’s job is to partner and support the Heart, it does this by filtering, sorting, and prioritising to help us make healthy life and relationship choices. If you sometimes find it difficult to gain clarity or make decisions then your Small Intestine energy may be calling you!. We will work with a “Clarity and Wise Decisions Protocol” involving our Small Intestine energy flow so we can “know” what is good for us and then make the choices to embody that knowledge in our lives and relationships.
The Small Intestine meridian has a huge role in digestion and diet, it literally “sorts” what we need to keep or release. When that sorting filter is out of kilter conditions Crohn’s disease, allergies, bloating etc can develop. We will be building our Small Intestine gut health.
The Summer Yang energy is all about growth, loving relationships, healthy boundaries and emotions, expansion and joy. It supports our Heart health and digestion, the flow of qi and our deepest wisdom and happiest smiles!
The class will be recorded so if you are not able to join live you can watch the replay whenever you want, however many times you want and wherever you are in the World.
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Joining link zoom codes are sent out 48 hours before a live zoom class and within 24 hours of a booking for a recorded/ on demand class.