Your Beautiful Belly

Online Workshop
Your Beautiful Belly – A Mirror of Health
An Online Workshop
with Kim Dowdell
Hosted by Madison King
Two part class – On demand/recorded class
The Workshop will be recorded with Lifetime access so you can watch anytime and anywhere in the World!
The fee is £78
Our abdomen is a storehouse of energy systems and powerful acupoints. We can treat the whole body through our “beautiful belly”. When we think of our belly and abdomen we tend to think of digestion and indeed we can optimise our digestive health here but also SO much more!
Most of us at some time, have experienced digestive issues such as constipation, weight gain, bloat, water retention, reflux, IBS etc. However, we may not realise how important our digestive health is to our immune system, cognitive processes, and emotional and mental health.
In Your Beautiful Belly – the Digestive Health class, we will look at
- The teachings of the Earth School of Acupuncture
- The Digestive Cascade
- Post Heaven Qi as generated by the Stomach and Spleen as the pivotal focus for health and longevity
- The Beautiful Belly energy Protocol
- Our Immune system and our abdominal health
- The Gut-Brain Axis – brain fog, anxiety, depression, irritability, stress, mood swings and our beautiful belly – points and protocols
- The Vagus Nerve as a “crucial commander” of the abdomen/digestion and weight management
- Microbiome and Oriental Medicine – how they connect
- Vibrational helpers for Post Heaven Qi /digestion and your “beautiful belly”
The course is full of practical, carefully chosen exercises and protocols.
We are moving towards “Earth time” in the elemental energy yearly cycle – the perfect time to work with the deep understandings around our “beautiful belly as a hologram of health and digestive wellbeing.
I do hope you can join me
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Joining link zoom codes are sent out 48 hours before a live zoom class and within 24 hours of a booking for a recorded/ on demand class.